Taking It Easy
Today was supposed to be a busy day. We had an early dermatologist appointment for Dakota's ever-returning wart and then co-op, errands and picking up Keri. It's my one day of the week I don't have my granddaughter, usually, so I try to pack it all in. Things didn't quite go as planned. The dermatologist decided that Dakota needed to have his wart frozen off. He warned this would be so cold it would feel like it was burning. Dakota vowed to be brave....and then the process took place. The poor kid screamed bloody murder, saying that it hurt. The doctor smiled weakly at me and said "it really does". Great. We were supposed to leave there and arrive at our co-op late and Dakota had a report to do that he was more than ready for and eager to share. My teary, sobbing boy and I leave the doctor and head to the car. It is POURING outside. UGH. He is still crying hard when we get to the car and he steps in a huge p...