Crazy, Crazy, Crazy

It has been another one of "those" weeks.  I always know that when we have too much planned I am going to feel a bit overwhelmed.  I stayed home all day on Sunday because I knew it was going to get busy.  Monday was okay.  Dakota had practice that night for basketball.  Yesterday, Tuesday, we had a field trip.  I didn't have Natalie in the morning so Koda and I got up, got ready and headed out with plenty of time to get to Irvine Nature Center for our Maple Sugaring hike.  My directions, however, were lacking and after we finally escaped the traffic I drove up and down the same road four times trying to find the road on my directions.  After finally getting better directions I managed to get there.....last of the group...and I was the coordinator.  Embarrassing to say the least.  We broke our 30 kids into 3 groups and headed out immediately.  Dakota was with some co-op friends and we had a great tour guide who was sweet, informative and great with the kids.  They were taught how to identify trees by alternate or opposite branching and got to practice drilling into an old tree trunk.  They got to see a tapped tree and taste some fresh sap.  Afterward they learned about the boiling off process and got to do a taste test between pancake syrup and pure maple syrup. 

We left Irvine around 11:30 and went to Columbia to pick up Natalie.  It made my heart sing when I went into the nursery at Kristy's center to pick Nat up and she dropped her toy and crawled over and up into my arms.  We took Kris to lunch and it was nice to be together, the four of us.  After dropping her off and dropping Keri's check off to her, we finally made it home around 2:00.  We were ready for some downtime!  After a few quiet hours we went to Dakota's basketball game, which was very fun, and then dropped off his form for scout camp at cub scouts.  By the time I got back out to the car Dakota wasn't feeling well with a tummy ache.  We stopped and got some ice cream but by the time we got home Dakota wasn't feeling well enough to have any.  He got on his pjs, climbed into bed and cried about the injustice of it all.  He told me he felt "carsickish and stomachbugish" :-)  I said a few prayers, Lysoled a few surfaces and moved a trash can close by.  He fell asleep shortly therafter watching a movie and thankfully slept well all night.

Today was supposed to be my day off watching Natalie.  Her other sitter had a job interview, however, and I had her.  I had scheduled several things into the day, thinking I would get the running done without having to drag her in and out.  Not going to happen. After seeing my oldest son off on his three day senior retreat,  I went in to get her at 9:15 to head to our hair cut appointment and found that I couldn't scoop her up and put her into her seat in the waiting car because she had pooped up her back and all over her clothes.  I had to carefully disengage her and her onsie, take everything off down to her socks, wipe her down and redress her.  Of course we were now running late and I wasn't able to get my hair done, just Dakota's, because our co-op members were waiting on me at 10:15 to open the church doors for our game day.  Sigh.  Game day, however, was a huge success.  We ladies got to chat while the kids, age three to nine, engaged themselves playing Twister, Connect 4, Uno and other fun games with little adult supervision needed.  I love that about homeschooling kids.  Afterward we headed home for lunch and then at 2:30 left for Koda's doctor appointment.  Kris met us there and took Nat and we went in to see Dr. Sam.  We love him!  He is sending us to a dermatologist for Dakota's wart and to get bloodwork for his bouts with dizziness and saying he's tired often.  He doesn't ACT dizzy or tired, but he says it all the time. 

We headed to the library to pick out some books and got a nice surprise when they were running a scavenger hunt for African American History Month.  Dakota was happy to do the activity and a lady from the Arbutus Times trailed after him taking pictures.  He got a cool purple pencil for his efforts and we got him his own library card, which he ran his fingers over and saying how cool it was.

At home, we got to see Natalie's new pierced ears and then Dakota and I were alone for the evening.  We had dinner and he played so nicely tonight with his toys.  He was so sweet...a novelty lately.  We had dinner together sitting close at the table and now we are in the recliners under blankets, eating cake and ice cream and waiting for American Idol to come on.  Nice.


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