Getting it done!
Yesterday was a very busy homeschool day. We got alot of work done and accomplished so much! We wrapped up our second system of the human body by making a Circulation Wheel and coloring the blood red or blue depending on whether it was full of oxygen or depleted. In Story of the World we began Ancient Africa, which looks to be fun with all the projects to do for this unit like paper beads and musical instruments. I am hoping to find some kind of food that we can make too that Dakota will actually eat. We have a short day today and I have to help a friend tomorrow so he will be doing some independent work and then Friday is our 100 days celebration so I supposed the fun stuff will be waiting til next Tuesday, but I am excited about it. Dakota started reading our Little Golden Books Disney classics and began with Peter Pan. He also read more of his Kindle book about Walt Disney World and played a little MathBlasters. We did a regular math unit, ...