A New Little Life

Today I found out that my oldest daughter is going to be giving me my second grandchild :-)  She came early to get my granddaughter and handed me a frappe and a card.  When I opened the card, there was a picture of a tiny bean nestled snuggly in her womb.  I felt my belly do a little flip as the recognition hit...I am going to be a grandmom again!  Lots of thoughts bombarded me....where will we put the new baby when we are fresh out of bedrooms for nurseries?  How will I be able to watch an infant, a toddler and a pre-tween and not pull my hair out?  What?  When?  Why?  How?.....lol.  Then the peace settled in and I realized that it didn't matter...none of it. We will find room.  I will find a way.  All that is important is that there is a new little life forming and a new little family member will be joining our brood this October.  My daughter and her husband have jobs, a nice house, THEY are the ones who need an extra bedroom and they have one!  during her first pregnancy she and her husband were living in North Carolina and I missed so much.  This time I am not going to miss a thing and if that little bean is anything like his/her big sister, or even if he/she is incredibly different, my heart is in for another long slow dive.  Being a grandparent is one of the best things I have ever had happen in my life and I can't wait to meet my new granddaughter or grandson.  Congratulations Kris, Brian and my sweet, sweet Natalie Ann.  You are a wonderful family.  WE are a wonderful extended family.  This baby will be welcomed with all the love and affection that we all share for each other.  I wouldn't want it any other way.


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