A Change for the Better

There have been alot of changes in my life lately that have caused me heartache and tears, not necessarily because they were bad, but because they were big..important...life altering. As this week of new beginnings has played out, however, I have noticed a very positive change....my youngest son, Dakota. Dakota is a wild child. He is high energy, high maintenance, full of sass and swag. He is adorable and has a kind, loving heart, but he is also quick to fire up an attitude, has a hot temper and can test the patience of even the most saintly people. This week, however, I have seen a huge change. Last week he whined and cried about school. He didn't want it to start. He didn't want to do work. He wasn't going to be able to play. Saturday his brother moved out and went off to college. Dakota stayed with his grandmom at home because I knew it was going to be a long day. I had alot of trouble adjusting and I cried alot over the n...