Grade 2

So today my littlest son starts Grade 2!  Time sure is flying!  I always think of PreK, K and 1 as the fun grades, not worried too much about academics, although Dakota blew through his second grade curriculum last year.  To me, second grade starts the read adventure into elementary school.  You are experienced and ready.  You read well, write well and can hold a good conversation.  You have opinions and can support them.

So we started off welcoming Natalie about 7:45 and then all three of us had waffles with butter and jelly.  It is a nice morning out,, after a long day of soaking rain yesterday, so we put Nat in the pink car and the dogs on the leashes and took a twenty minute walk through the neighborhood, noticing how green the grass is after the rain, how blue the sky is and how it really still looks and feels like summer.  We will be noticing the changes in the season as we walk throughout the year.

Back inside Dakota got to go to his new morning station, Today's Special.  It has a fun or educational event of the day and then a small packet of work.  Focusing is hard this morning, but he didn't fight it, which I had anticipated. He got started right away, but it's just taking awhile.  Nat has cooperated and is down for her morning nap, hopefully sleeping until 11:00 or so we can get the "meat and potatoes" of our morning done.

One of those lessons I never seem to remember, is that things will not go exactly as planned.  We started our Back To School packet and then thought how cool it would be to so the Crayola offer to morph your photo into a cartoon to color instead of just drawing a self portrait.  So we spent 20 minutes creating a self portrait and then making a short comic strip of Dakota, aka Ryan Steele, the rock band star.  He loved it!  Guess we got our computer time and our art in for the day :-)  

So I get in touch with the library and the book I have my entire week's lesson based on was shipped 15 days ago and obviously lost.  Great.  So I call the library and they say it must be lost but another library about 10 minutes away has a copy.  So okay.  Now we are going to really be messing up our schedule, but we are going to say "what the hey" and take a lunchtime trip to the library, get that book and a few more, make it an adventure, and just cut out some of the other things we were going to do today.  Fine.  I can go with the flow.

To make a long story short, our first homeschool day turned into a half day.  We headed out, stopped by the drop off at Good Will, had lunch at Sorrentos with Dad, visited the library to get the book and then hung out there with friends, went to the bank, got gas and now we are home for 20 minutes before heading out again to pick up daughter #2 so she and I can go to the eye doctor while daughter #1 swings by to get the granddaughter and son #2.  Whew.  Surely wasn't the day I planned, but all is well.  Tomorrow is another day.


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