One Year Ago Today

One year ago today I was in a North Carolina hospital room waiting anxiously as my daughter labored to deliver my first grandchild.  I will never forget the miracle of her birth.  I was right there, watching her crown and then come into the world and change our lives forever more.  I cried, I trembled, I smiled through my tears.  The magnitude of the feelings was intense.  She was much smaller than we had expected, but full of spunk and thankfully, very healthy.  I remember it like it was yesterday, watching them lay her on the warming pad and clean her up.  She had a little cone head, but she was gorgeous, with dark hair and good color.  I remember going out into the hall to get my husband, a new grandfather! and my son, a new uncle!  They were walking down the hall as I rounded the corner and they were able to come in and see her within minutes of her birth.  My six year old son stood on his toes and gazed at her and fell in love, right then.  The look on his face was so soft and there was so much love there.  When he got to hold her a few hours later he settled right in like a pro, claiming her as his own.

Since that day we have been blessed to have our Natalie in our lives almost every day.  She is a chubby, happy little girl with a great personality and a beautiful smile.  She has her Nana and her Poppy wrapped right around her little finger and her Uncle Dakota.....he's still helplessly, hopelessly in love.  They share a bond as tight as any siblings.  She will always be his baby and I am looking forward to watching the two of them as they grow together over the years.

Happy Birthday, Natalie Ann!  You have made this world a brighter place and we all love you so much!


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