
Showing posts from August, 2013

Weekend Warriors

This weekend we were again very busy.  We left the house at 11am for southern Maryland and arrived at Southern Middle School around 12:15.  Our 90lb Charger team had their first full scrimmage, complete with referees and a full field. We got warmed up and started at 1:00 and the other team ran the first play back for a touchdown.  Not good.  However, we came back with one of our own before long and then trounced all over them, winning 32-14.  It was a blast, cheering for the boys, and I was so proud of them.  My son in law was out there coaching with my husband and my daughter, granddaughter and I were on the sidelines cheering them on.  Love that it's a family thing. Afterward, we went to dinner with our daughter and her family and our friends, the Webers, to the Rod and Reel in Chesapeake Beach.  It was a fancy restaurant and we surely weren't dressed for it, but the food was excellent and the boys (4 of them!) behaved well, as did my granddau...

Alternate Plans

Today we were all set to go to Chesapeake Beach Water Park to use our Groupon passes and I went online to look up directions and realized they are no longer open on weekdays since last Friday.  BUMMER!  We were all looking forward to it and the weather was hot and sunny and perfect for the lazy river.  So alternate plans were needed.  Since neither my daughter or I had much money, we opted to go downtown and use her membership at the Port Discovery Children's Museum.  This is not my favorite place in the world, but the kids can run around, get rid of energy and get out of the house, so off we went. The trip wasn't anything extraordinary, but it did what it was intended to do and we left at 12:30 with two hungry, tired kids.  We got everyone fed and my daughter put my granddaughter in her room here for a nap and went home to get some things done.  I got some paperwork done and had a visit from my younger daughter.  Everyone left around five; my h...

Counting Down

Today is my next to the last day of summer daycamp and I am ready for it to be over.  By this time of the summer I am swearing I will never do this again each and every year.  I had my three regular campers, one little sister camper, my son and my granddaughter today.  I had little sleep last night.  I am grumpy and tired.  I don't want to do anything. Try telling six kids that! So the first two arrived at 7:30 and will not leave until 6:10.  Ugh.  The second arrived around 7:40 and will leave at 5:15.  Ugh.  The third arrived at 8:00 and will leave at 4:00, getting better.  My daughter will get off work shortly to come help with my granddaughter, but I am having a very early birthday dinner for my mother in law (because of football practice and my son's work) so instead of thinning out the crowds, we will have twelve people here at 4:00  Double UGH! I let them play in Dakota's room this morning until 9:15 while Natalie and I sa...

A Weekend at the Beach

Saturday morning saw us leaving for Ocean City and excited to be leaving our hectic schedule behind.  Dakota, Brian and I made only one stop and it was to grab breakfast sandwiches at McDonalds.  We got snagged up briefly by the drawbridge, but arrived safe and sound around 11am.  We hit the beach and Dakota really enjoyed hanging out in the water with his Dad, being thrown around by the rough surf.  They both thought this was great fun and while I laughed like crazy at the two of them, I knew things must be rough when the lifeguards kept gathering people around and warning them of the dangers.  We took a break, got Thrashers french fries and hit the bathrooms and then spent another hour or so on the beach.  Around 2pm we got into our room and spent the next couple of hours relaxing and catching up on our computers.  Around 5, I took Dakota up to the beach and there were lots of kids playing in the pool the high tide had left on the beach so I let him ...

Crazy, Chaotic, Busy Week

This week has been very busy!  I had all the daycare kids on Monday, football practice Monday night then worked til midnight.  Tuesday I took the kids to the free movie in Arbutus and then my daughter was here in the afternoon.  The daycamp kids were a hand full and my last mom came very late.  My husband and I attended a concert together that our kids had gotten him tickets for for his birthday.  No one wanted to go with him, however, because no one liked the artist, so I took it as an opportunity to spend some time with the hubby and we had a good time, although it was definitely a loooong night and my ears hurt from all the guitar twanging and screeching lol.  Didn't get home til midnight again and Wednesday I took Dakota, his friend, Lindsey and Brian David and his girl, Allie to Hershey Park.  It was a 2 hour drive and we had a good time laughing and singing in the car.  We had beautiful weather, too cold even at first, which is hard to belie...

Getting Back To Business

After a very busy weekend with a football jamboree, dinner out with friends and our daughter's baby shower with 40 guests, Monday arrived unwelcome, but with an agenda nonetheless.  I had three daycare kids and Dakota and I knew if I didn't keep them busy I would pay the price.  I gave them an hour of Kindle time before bringing them out to do packets on color.  They had jokes, color by number, ABC order, find something green for each letter of the alphabet and a directional paper.  Afterwards they went outside to play badmitton, corn hole and frisbee before heading out to the back deck to play board games.  They chose Uno Attack and with my supervision, things went well.  They went back outside to play basketball, came back in to read and work on their packets and now, after pizza for lunch, they are playing quietly so I won't swoop in and make them put away their electronics. In five minutes I will go in, however, and get them back out here to paint and...