Being A Mom

"You are only as happy as your saddest child" was a quote I read recently.  How true!  When your kids are doing well it's so much easier to be at peace with your own life, but when one or more of them is having a hard time, my personal stress is directly proportional to this.  And I guess the more children you have, the more opportunity you have for stress.  And then there are grandchildren.....   Ah, a mother's work is never done.

My husband doesn't get it.  He doesn't get why I stress and fret when one or more of our four children or two, soon to be three granddaughters are sick or stressed or hurt or worried.  My heart is so directly linked to theirs that I feel their pain almost as acutely as if it were my own.  Today my older son is having girlfriend troubles.  He is hurt and anxious and angry and I am anxious about what will play out with the relationship because if it doesn't work, he will be heartbroken. My heart aches for him.  My oldest is stressed raising two little girls who are sick currently and she is 8 months pregnant with baby girl number 3.  She has had little sleep and is not on her A game and not only do I worry about her, but I worry about my two little sick grandbabies. My heart hurts for her.
 Thankfully children number 2 and 4 are doing well!  (Last week it was car troubles for #2 and blood work anxiety for #4!)

Sometimes I wish I could just hear their pain and wave my hand and say "wow, that is terrible" and then go about my day, but I know that God didn't make me that way.  He made me with a compassionate heart and a tender soul and being a mother and a grandmother and a wife are the main reasons I am here on this earth.  It would be easier, surely, if I were not so easily affected by the lives and times of my family, but then again, I wouldn't be the woman God intended for me to be.


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