Back to Normal

So this week has been extremely busy or what we call normal.  Yesterday we were dropped off at 10:15 at the Maryland Science Center for the homeschool days there.  I was very disappointed that they decided to change policies and told me we could not, as members, see the planetarium show for free with our membership because it was a homeschool show.  No.  Not really.  You show it there at the planetarium other than homeschool days....  It wasn't worth the fight, but I wasn't paying $13.00 to see something we were entitled to for free.  We walked around the near empty, but brutally cold center until it was time for our Forces of Nature IMAX show.  It was extremely well done, but very loud.  Very powerful, just like the weather.

After our IMAX we had the "treat" of eating in the cafe.  Dakota asked that we not take our lunch and so we had lunch there, which was average at best.  Both places - the cafe and the lunch room, were FREEZING, as was the whole first floor so we headed up to the third floor to wait out the minutes until his Guide to the Galaxy class then back out into the cold to hurry home and relax for the evening.

Friday was a normal school day.  We enjoyed putting together our solar system model that he had painted on Wednesday.  This was a model of Galileo's Heliocentric Theory.  Galileo was the first chapter in the second volume of A History of Us so we got history, science and art all in one.  We are still reading the first Kingdom Keepers book as we lead up to our April Disney World trip, but it's taking us forever and a day to get through then he wants to read the second one!  He kept a good attitude through most of the day, but by 2:00 he was itching to be done so he could have some time to himself before going to EcoAdventures.

Saturday has been wonderful.  I had a few errands to run and we watched our granddaughters for a few hours in the afternoon, but the slept the entire time.  Then the four of us sat under blankets in comfy chairs or sprawled on the couch in the dark with only the fireplace glow to compete with the TV screen where an awesome football game took place between the Ravens and the Patriots.  We were ahead right up until the end, but lost 35-31.  My guys took it better than I thought they would and now everyone is doing their own thing and the house is quiet.  I love the weekend!


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