Dealing with a sick child

We are fortunate that our family seems to be quite healthy.  We get your usual winter colds and spring allergies, but for the most part, we are a hardy crew.  Yesterday my little son was stricken by the wicked old stomach bug.  We were at co-op when he got sick and he was sick again as soon as we got home.  He spent the day in bed, miserable and pathetic, begging to drink his water, but unable to even keep ice chips down.  He went on and on about the injustice of it all.  "It's not fair!!  I'm thirsty!!  I don't want to lay in bed!!"  I tried to get him to relax and just watch some tv and nap, but he was having none of it.  Finally, around 7:30, he fell asleep and actually had a good night.  By this morning he thought he was feeling fine and my words of wisdom to rest and don't overdo it fell on deaf ears.  By lunch time he was exhausted and ended up taking a two hour nap.  I found that to be a wonderful treat!  When he woke up he was still feeling weak and tired and it hurt my heart to see him laying there looking red cheeked and glassy eyed, with no energy to play. 
     It's 4:15 now and I just went in to check on him.  His color was good and he smiled, that devilish little boy kind of grin, and I realized my nursemaid duties are probably coming to an end.  I am actually looking forward to him making a little noise and causing a bit of havoc tonight.  He may drive me bonkers on a regular basis, but I'd give anything not to see him sick.  Thank heaven for little boys!


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