Back to Work

After a day off for Columbus Day, another day off because I couldn't get enough done on our day off and then co-op and a game day playdate on Wednesday, we finally got back to the routine today.  WWe started working on the human body for Science and Health....talking about skeletons around Halloween seemed too perfect to pass up!  We are going to continue learning about bones and the human skeleton for science and go through the systems of the body for health.  Everything came together for geography/social studies/history.  We read a few different sections of 100 Explorers and talked about Columbus and then Magellan and Drake.  We had previously mapped Columbus's route on a world map on the wall and today we added the route around the world for the other two.  We talked about how their adventure and success traveling around the globe convinced the rest of the world that the Earth was indeed round!  Then we read a great book about maps and globes and did a mapping workbook that introduced latitude and longitude and gave Dakota practice in using different skills for finding places on the map. 
We finally got back to regular math and language arts, completing problem solving and subtraction practice and working on "D" stories, Super Sentences and Language Arts 2.  On Monday we had started a new bulletin board for our Bible stories crafts and we added Noah's Ark today and a handprint rainbow.  Dakota listened to his Ipod for music, singing along (loudly!) and for art, Dakota did some woodworking, sanding his raingutter regatta boat and putting on three coats of paint.  Tomorrow after school, Dakota will be going to his first boyscout campout!  It will be interesting to see how that goes!


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