
I have had all four of my children on my mind lately.  Each one goes through trials and tribulations, success and triumphs, at different times and each one needs me in very different ways at these times, depending on the situation.  They each also need different things from me.  One needs me to make few demands.  Another needs me to push hard, even if it's pushing away at times, to succeed as an individual person.  Yet another needs me for guidance more often than the others and the fourth needs me for a multitude of things, all of which seem to be ever changing.  I try very hard to be what I feel they need.  They may get angry at me.  They may feel like I favor another because I didn't do the same thing in a similar situation.  They may feel like I interfere too much or don't get involved enough.  The truth of the matter is, it's a fine line to walk and a tough job 24/7.  What they need is always changing.  What they get, however, never is.  They have my unconditional, undying love always, no matter what they do or where they go.  I know they may doubt my response at times, but I do not think any of them ever doubt my love.

Success comes in many different forms.  Getting good grades in school.  Not getting involved in drugs or getting into trouble with the law.  Making good choices.  Becoming independent.  Standing up for what is right.  Being kind to one another...and kind to themselves.  In their own way, each one of my four children is a success and I, their mother, am proud.  Life is easier for some people.  Choices made aren't always the right ones, but the character it takes to admit your faults is to be commended.  Are the girls moving in the right direction as adults?  Are the boys too attached to me or are they moving toward independence?  I think they are!

As a mother, I have not been perfect.  Sometimes I was too strict and sometimes I wasn't strict enough.  I too make poor choices and the stakes are high when it's someone else's life your choice affects.  One thing is certain, however.  Every choice I made I made with love.  Each of my children are a success in my eyes.  They are kind, passionate, loving, beautiful inside and out.  They look after one another and they are protective of me.  So before you make a comment about any of my children that may not be a positive one or may make it seem that I have not succeeded as a parent, think again.  I have been a success and I am PROUD!  Just look at them!! Every mother should be so lucky.


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