The Beauty of Natalie

Last night my granddaughter came over to spend a few hours.  I like when I have her on the weekend evenings because I have more free time to enjoy her.  I rearranged her room yesterday so that I could fit her kitchen set in there and went through her toys to pack away alot of the "baby" toys for the next little one who comes along.  I brought her into her room when her momma dropped her off and she went right to her kitchen, pulling open all the doors and looking for the treasures.  I walked away and came back a few minutes later and peeked in her room and it was one of those moments parents and grandparents have every once in awhile to quietly observe and appreciate what God has given you.  There she was, soft and chubby, standing on sturdy little legs in lavender leggings and a feminine little summer top.  Her arms still have five rolls, but they are tanned...except for in the creases of the when she reaches out you can see the stripes of dark and light skin :-)  She has the most gorgeous dark hair with soft curls in the back.  Her face is stunning, as are her very blue eyes.  I  stood quiet for a minute, marveling at her.  I've was there when she came into this world and now, almost fourteen months later, I have been privileged to watch her transform from tiny, helpless infant to strong, sturdy toddler who is into everything. I am used to being someone's grandmother now, although it does still seem surreal at times.  I wouldn't know what to do if she wasn't an almost daily fixture in my life now.  I understand the difference in parenting and grandparenting and, while both have their advantages, grandparenting is definitely the way to go for me now.  I care for her daily, so I do have to discipline and "parent", but it's so nice to be able to know the heavy stuff is being cared for by my very capable daughter and that when a tough day is getting the best of me, my tiny terror will go home.  She is a miracle, though, and a beautiful one at that.  I look at her and I am in awe of her.  I have started a new chapter in my life and I am very excited to see where the rest will take me.  I plan to be right there for the good times and the bad, the ballet practices, the tball games, the recorder concerts in a too hot auditorium....  Not just the big stuff, but the small stuff too.  I want her to always feel that Nana's house is just like home, someplace where she is always welcome and where there will always be a grandmother here for whatever she needs.



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