And on to Week #2

We finished off week one of summer with alot of rain.  It threatened all day on Thursday, but it didn't really start until just after we began our baseball game on Thursday night with the little league kids.  It didn't pour then, so lucky for us (NOT), we got to play in it.  Nothing like water dripping from your bangs into your eyes for 90 minutes while you are trying to act interested in the game and coach first base!  The kids had fun, though and Dakota made an unassisted triple play, something even his big brother can't lay claim to!  We ended up ordering pizza that night and stayed in on Friday, having a family movie night watching Parental Guidance.  This movie starring Bette Midler and Billy Crystal was a heartwarmer and very funny, a great family movie because I think Dakota enjoyed it just as much as Brian and I.  Saturday had games cancelled for baseball, but our party we had, which was thrown by Brian's supervisor, was on and fortunately the weather cleared up nicely so we could enjoy the company of his co-workers while we ate crabs, Koda swam and we enjoyed the spacious grounds and the pretty day.

Sunday ended or started the week, depending on how you look at it.  Brian took Dakota to another laser tag birthday party at Ultrazone for Felicia's son Nick and I took Kris to register for new baby Becca's shower.  It's hard to get into this pregnancy and be dreamy about my new little granddaughter like I was with Natalie because Natalie is right here, still demanding lots of time and attention and I feel guilty about the fact that I spent almost every waking minute thinking of Natalie's arrival and have barely given Becca a second thought.  I will love her with a passion, I am sure, but I guess that's the way with second grandchildren, just like with second children.  Life is too busy with the one you have to slow down enough to ponder the second.

Sunday evening saw the four of us at Down's Park listening to the U.S. Air Force Band.  Ms. Kathy and Aunt Charlotte and John were there and we took our chairs and our snacks, a football and a baseball and gloves and parked ourselves on the grass where we could see the water and enjoyed the music.  The band was good, playing mostly Foreigner and other bands from that era and I enjoyed people watching and pet watching.  It was a gorgeous night, overcast and not too hot.  We took our time getting home and the chicken I had on a timer in the oven was scrumptious, even though dinner wasn't until 9pm.

So now we move on to Week #2. Monday was dreary and wet, but we managed to get in 45 minutes at the library early so that we had books to get us through.  We found a great Lego Quest on a blog ( that I highly recommend and this has kept Dakota busy all afternoon thinking and creating Lego pieces in accordance with the quest directions.  Out to get Mandy, my daycare child on Mondays and Tuesdays, and then in for the night.  Sounds perfect to me.


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