Wasn't Too Bad

So the impending weather didn't turn out to be all that bad after all, thank goodness.  It was wet and we had a morning storm and afternoon storm, but although we got alot of rain, the winds weren't awful and we kept our power.  It was still all in all a very wet day and we were inside once again until the evening when things finally cleared out.  Brian, Dakota and I took the dogs for a walk and there was a nice breeze blowing.  We didn't see any wildlife, but it was pleasant and we all got in some fresh air and exercise.

Today started wet, but it looks like it's clearing up nicely.  I have my great niece and nephew, as well as my granddaughter this morning and I think we are going to head down to the park across from our house shortly to get in a little energy burning time so they can settle and have lunch.  We are supposed to have baseball this evening if they can get the fields ready and then go over to Coach Jeff's house for a cook out and for the boys to play. This sounds like a very pleasant way to spend the evening and I am looking forward to it.  The weekend promises to be fun and the weather is supposed to be good, so it seems that we have finally put this stormy week behind us.


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