First Week of our Summer

Since Friday was our last day of school, I suppose that Saturday started our first day of summer break.  Dakota had a football camp from 10-4 at Lake Waterford that his dad was running.  It was in the high 90's, but they had a turnout of 136 kids.  Afterward, he and his friends Bryce and Tyler came back to the house for swimming and a few hours of play.  They had a great time, but the heat had worn them out and we called it quits by 7 so Dakota could relax.  Sunday we went to the Oriole game and while rain threatened the whole time, the storms held off and it was a great game.

The week officially started Monday and we have a new daycare child who is Dakota's age and comes Monday and Tuesday before and after school.  We just hung out during the day, enjoying our first day that we were really off.  Tuesday we went on our first park quest at Sandy Point State Park.  We had alot of fun finding the boxes of puzzles, putting them together and finding out what the message was that pertained to Leave No Trace.  After a stop for lunch and picking up Mandy, she and Dakota got in the pool and then he and his dad went to the park to play ball before a late dinner on the grill.  Wednesday has been another slower day, hanging out here and then he has baseball tonight.  I did have plans for a movie and maybe a quest tomorrow, but I have heard rumor that we were in for alot of rain.  We shall see.


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