Last Day At Passport

Today was my last day at Passport and I was afraid it would be too emotional and stressful, but it turned out to be a fun day.  The kids, for the most part, are oblivious to my not coming back.  For some of them, I'll see them in the fall.  For others, I won't, but I don't think they were aware of that.  We did our presentations on their imagined countries and had plenty of time left over to autograph each other's certificates of promotion and to play country hangman on the board.  Afterward, Dakota went to his science class and I went upstairs with the preK kids and did all their favorites with them...singing, dancing, reading, paper bag puppets and painting.  About half way through one of the moms burst in and said the fire alarm was going off and to get the kids out.  We scooped up the tiny ones, took the others by the hand and headed out.  It was hard to stay focused on my students and not go to find Dakota, but I knew Lavender would make sure he was safe.  I called her and found out it was just a faulty alarm box and we all went back in.  Afterward Dakota was searching for tears, but I was able to move the subject along to something else and avoid that.  I will definitely miss the co-op and the kids too, but all I could manage today was relief that the planning and time consuming tasks were over.


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