Sunday Funday

If you are following me here at Cindy's Life As She Know It, you know it's been a tough stretch for me.  I am usually upbeat and positive, but I have been struggling.  Yesterday I went to church and dropped my son off at Sunday School and then attended a Bible study class with my pastor and a small group of people.  I always forget how at peace I feel when I am there.  I am not as involved as I could be there, but they are welcoming, kind and loving and I always leave feeling better than when I arrived.

After church my husband gave me money to get a new outfit for a crab feast we were going to..  I can't remember the last time we went to a function like this together and I wanted something I could feel attractive in.  I ended up finding a pair of white capris on clearance and then hit Dick's Sporting Goods for a really cute Raven's shirt.  It will serve me well through the season.  I hate wearing the boxy mens t shirts anymore.  I like the women's cut with the v-neck.  Much more attractive!

I was a little apprehensive about the day since times have been tough between my husband and I.  We desperately needed this day to relax and enjoy each other, but I was so worried things would go wrong and it would end up a disaster.  I needn't have stressed.  We had a great time.  The house we went to (hosting for a hunting club) was on Nabb's Creek and the land went on and on, ending at the water, where there were multi-leveled docks and three boats.  There were chairs positioned everywhere to sit and look over the water.  There was a tire swing.  Tents were everywhere with tables set out and a delicious spread of food and crab.  There was a full size tiki bar and the most beautiful outdoor stone and steel kitchen with pots and pots of crabs steaming away.  There were horseshoe pits, a dj playing and karaoke.  TV's had football and baseball on.  It was fantastic.  There were a few people from Spalding that my husband knew that I was introduced to and by the end of the evening I was sad to be leaving them.  There was singing and dancing, much laughter, joking and drinking.  My husband and another athletic trainer did a hysterical rendition of Paradise by the Dashboard Lights.  It was just wonderful.  The most fun I have had in a very, very long time and I was disappointed to see it end.  Best of all is that I think both my husband and I realized how much we missed time carved out for just the two of us.  We've been together 23 years and we've had alot of fun, but lately there just never seems to be time for us and our relationship was paying the price.  I am hoping that we both realize how important unwinding together is for a high energy couple like us and continue to find time for each other because I love this man with all my heart and being out with him is always fun.


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