Saying goodbye to tball

Today was our last game for Dakota's 5-6 Phillies.  They had come such a long way and during the last bat today, not one of them had to use the T.  Watching them grow and change over just the few short months that we had them, only seeing them twice a week, was inspiring.  They all grew up alot....most of them five and just a few six.  Some of them came to us not even knowing how to hold a bat or put on a glove.  All of them left as confident little ball players capable of making a play to the best of their ability.  Some of them had talent, some did not.  Some of them were high energy.  Some were low key.  Some lacked focus.  We had few tears, however, and no quitters.  All ten kids came to just about every game and they did as they were told and left with happy faces. Watching them concentrate so hard to connect with the ball was priceless and seeing them shine when they hit it or made a big play....that I won't soon forget.  In a few years, as we gather for the team huddle, these little boys will be strong and confident, tall and proud.When they yell their team name, it will be deep and loud.  Now, for just a very short time, they are very small, looking up at you even as you crouch down to talk to them, and they put their little hands in and yell the team name loudly in high, squeaky little voices.  Their favorite part of the game is getting snack and if you are very lucky, you'll get a big hug or a sticky kiss before they go home.  Thanks, 5-6 CYLB Baseball for giving the Baublitz family the opportunity to spend a few months with a really terrific group of kids.  I wish them all the best as they grow and change and I hope that one day in the future I have teh pleasure to coach them all again.


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