August Already!

Summer is flying by and I can't say I mind.  It's my least favorite season between the heat and the loosey goosey schedule. we are talking!  Crisp, cool and gorgeous with browns and oranges everywhere....a time for new beginnings.  Anyway, right now it's August and we are gearing down our summer and gearing up for the start of school.  Daycamp is winding down and changes are ahead. 

Today I only had Dakota's cousin and they were incredibly calm this morning.  When she came in around 9 they sat at the table and did their packets and then got out a phonics tile game and spent 20 minutes making word.  Around 10:30 my daughter and her husband brought my granddaughter over for my first official babysitting duty and they went off to have some alone time at the movies.  I fed Natalie and changed her, packed all the kids up and went to run my errands.  I considered staying home, but I figured I might as well get used to running around with her.  Things went very well!  We went to Party City so Dakota could see what he might want as his birthday theme, went to the post office and then to the thrift store. The baby was awake and happy and I was thinking this was a breeze!  We swung by McDonald's on the way home and when we got in the baby was sleeping so I got to eat before she woke up.  It was only a ten minute cat nap, but she was hungry so my other daughter changed and fed her.  After she ate, however, she let me have it!  She has a very bad temper and for some reason definitely not known to me she lost her little mind!  She was red-faced, quivering and screaming like a banshee.  No amount of shushing, walking, rocking was doing the trick and I started to worry I had done something wrong!  Then her mom came in, picked her up and that darned little stinker went silent, snuggled into her momma's chest and went fast asleep.  I think she just missed her! 

Dakota and his cousin spent the afternoon playing quietly in his room.....VERY unusual.  Once when I looked in his cousin was asleep.  They must have both been tired, though, because they are NEVER quiet lol.  About 3:00 they came out and painted their bird house wind chimes, colored some more and then went outside to play.  I could wish that this was the way it was every day, but I just hate to waste good wishes :-)

I got a nice treat tonight.  My long time friend (ever since the 4th grade) picked me up and took me to Panera for dinner.  She is a teacher and had a stack of gift cards and she was kind enough to treat me to broccoli cheese soup and a sandwich.  We chatted about life and the kids and ourselves, falling back into that comfortable place that old friends do, even when it's been weeks or months since we have been together.  We strolled through Target together and then went to Cold Stone Creamery, got our ice cream and sat in chairs outside chatting some more while we ate.  I get very few nights out like this and it made me feel refreshed and re-energized.  Talking woman to woman has such a healing power about it!

When I got home the house was clean and the little one in pjs.  He and Daddy were exercising on the equipment downstairs.  I should really do some of the work that came in today from my company, but I think I'll save that for when I'm fresh tomorrow morning.  We are supposed to join my daughter and her godchildren at the park tomorrow if the weather holds out and then have a picnic lunch.


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