Party, Party, Party

Today was the last day of daycamp  here and some of Koda's friends are heading back to school next week, so we decided to have an early birthday party for Dakota at Chuck E. Cheese to make sure we could include everyone and avoid the back to school and Labor Day rush.  He was up and ready to go at 6:30am...very excited about his day!  We arrived at 10 for the party and our friends joined us, including Kris and Natalie and even Daddy for a little while.  It was hectic at first until everyone got there and the tokens were distributed and the greetings were done, but after that the kids played, the adults chatted and I got to relax and enjoy everyone and show off my granddaughter a bit.  I realized again that I am very fortunate to have a good circle of friends now.  That wasn't so for a very long time and I was lonely, but now there are women I can turn to and chat with, including my own daughter. 

The kids were very wound up by the time we packed up to leave and after I piled all of them in the car I realized I left my keys inside.  Then the hubby called me to ask me to stop at the store for him....."but I have four kids with me" I said.  He was not impressed.  So off we went to Office Depot, where the kids touched what they shouldn't and made faces in the security camera.  I made a hasty retreat and got them home!! 

A few hectic hours all the daycamp kids went home for the last time this summer and now Dakota and I are left to do our own quiet thing and relax.  He's doing a Lego kit he got for his birthday and he's almost got it done.  Looking forward to seeing the finished creation!


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