Wednesday is my Friday

Today was like a Friday for me since this was the last day for the "day camp" kids this week due to my trip to North Carolina tomorrow.  It was a gorgeous day, clear and cooler after the heat and humidity that have been plaguing our area for the last many days.  I had both girls today and my Dakota and once they were all here and ready we headed out for the morning.  Our first stop was to a dear friend to drop off some much needed things for her family.  Afterward, we went to Pasadena to Lake Waterford, where I was pleasantly surprised at the lack of people there.  The kids raced to the playground and I grabbed my chair, our lunches and my phones.  While they played I made the last transfers of numbers and information from my old simple phone to my new complicated smart phone. 

Now people will say you are stereotyping if you say "girls will be girls" and "boys will be boys", but if you have had both, you know this is very true!  While my boy ran and squealed and raced, the girls got on the swing, hung out by me and asked ten times when we would have lunch.  After about 90 minutes we unpacked our things and ate.  Darned if they didn't just pick at the lunches they had begged me to get out!  While we were picnicing, friends came and I let the kids play an extra fifteen minutes so they could chat with their friends and I could chat with mine.  Once home, the kids played Disney Apples to Apples, did beads and Legos and made picture frames that they colored and created on their own.  At 3:00 we took my daughter to work and went to the free craft time at AC Moore.  They made their own photo buttons today and I picked up the last two letters for my granddaughter's room and three yellow tshirts so the kids could use fabric paint next week to make something they could wear together. 

Both girls went home between 4 and 5 and my family had dinner together.  The older guys went to football and Dakota and I cleaned the car and packed up for our very early start to our trip in the morning.  The time has finally come to go and bring my daughter and her family home.  It will be a brutal two days with over twelve hours of driving, loading and unloading a moving truck, sleeping on the floor and cleaning her house, but it will be an adventure and it is surely for a good cause.  I can't believe the time is finally here and all my dreams and wishes for them are coming true.  They are coming home!  I can't put into words how much it means to me to have all three of them back in my life on a regular basis.  So I'm off the computer and off to bed.  I am hoping to sleep soundly, but right now I am too excited.  This time tomorrow we'll be there and packed up and this time Friday we will all be home here in Maryland.  Please God, grant us all a safe trip.  Let our vehicles be sound and sturdy, our children well behaved and quiet and our drivers wide eyed and alert.


Safe travels, Cindy. Any many blessings upon your return!

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