Little House in the Big Woods

Today Dakota and I had fun with the second chapter of Little House in the Big Woods.  For Chapter One we made a log cabin out of popsicle sticks that turned out really well. Today we read about what the family did on a typical winter's day and we went over alot of new vocabulary.  After we read and took our quiz we sang Buffalo Gals and Pop Goes the Weasel, clapping and stomping and pretending to play the fiddle (glad the curtains were closed!) Then we got out a carton of heavy cream and poured some (less than half of a baby food glass jar) and sealed the lid tightly.  Then we shook it!  And shook it!  And shook it!  For ten minutes.  About minute 5 we decided to add a drop of yellow food color to make it look like real butter.  This was fine, but it was REALLY yellow!  It had gotten very thick at that point.  After about 10 continuous minutes of shaking we stopped and, lo and behold, we had butter!  We added a shake of salt for taste and then put it on our bread.  Dakota, Mr. Picky himself, loved it.  We ended up sharing it with his dad when he came home for my promised egg and bacon biscuits for lunch.  Dakota tried a breakfast sandwich when we were in Boston and now he's hooked!  Later in the afternoon when our work was done, we watched Alice in Wonderland together in honor of Lewis Carroll's birthday and had chocolate cake to celebrate National Chocolate Cake day.  I hope that is a repeater! 

This evening my husband, our older son and I went to watch Dakota's basketball game and then, after a stop for ice cream, Dakota and Mom and Dad went to watch older brother's game.  Both boys won their games, playing hard and having fun.  I can't think of a better way to spend the evening then watching my two boys shoot hoops.  This weekend is jam packed with activities for both boys.  I enjoy quiet weekends, so this one will be a challenge, especially after being away last weekend and having so much to do all week. 


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