Turned off and tuned in to family

2012 really started off with a bang....not just the fireworks kind.  Before noon on New Year's Day we had a fire outside in our trash cans.  It was pretty scary and intense and burned up our Comcast connection wires for internet and cable.  We cleaned up and kept our schedule for that day, having lunch at my moms and a Ravens football party at my brother in laws.  Monday, however, we were home all day and we were completely unplugged...no internet and not tv.  It actually turned out to be a really terrific day!  We watched two movies together, played Scattegories, chatted, laughed and read.  It made me realize how much we are "plugged in" and, while I love my tv and computer, a tech free day may be in order a few times a year to allow us to refocus on each other.


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