Spending time with my kids

This weekend has been a good one as far as seeing my kids goes.  It's different now, with the girls living on their own, and you can't just take it for granted that you will see them every day or even each week.  Saturday I got to go shopping and to Panera for lunch with Keri.  I haven't seen her in over a week and it was nice to have the time to chat and catch up with her over wonderful fuji apple salad and some french onion soup.  Saturday night Kris and her husband and daughter came over to watch the Denver/New England football game with us.  We had orange and blue balloons and streamers and were excited to see Tim Tebow take on Tom Brady in the playoffs.  Unfortunately it was a blow out by half time and they went home and we went to bed, but not before enjoying time together and getting to play with our grandbaby for awhile.  Sunday was the Ravens playoff game and the two Brians got to go to the game and Dakota and I went over my brother in law's to watch.  It's usually loud and very crowed there, but today was very pleasant, with just a couple of people.  I got to chat with my friend, Rhonda and Koda got to play outside with his buddy Wyatt.  I watched the game with my brother in law and mother in law and had a really nice time.  Now tonight, at home, it's a little stressful because we seem to be having conflicting ideas on if we are going to New England or not.  I wish the boys weren't involved because I feel like they are being pushed and pulled up and down and we don't even know if we can get tickets.  I hate chaos and stress and, while it's calm here, that's how I feel inside.


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