The Weekend

This weekend has been busier than I would like.  Koda had wrestling Friday night and his dad took him while I cleaned up and then we all went to Brian David's 9pm basketball game.  I love watching that boy play basketball.  He isn't a great shooter and he doesn't dribble well, but defensively he is a beast and he plays with incredible intensity.  He always has and it's always fun to watch. 

Saturday morning I was up and out by 7:30.  I picked up some paint from a fellow freecycler then hit the grocery stores.  Things are so expensive and I had few coupons since most of mine had expired at the end of the year.  I got alot, but spent alot and that stresses me out.  When I got home the guys took our dog Raven to the vet.  She has a skin infection, but the vet hit them up for Frontline, two shots, a well visit fee, some kind of wipes and two medications.  $185!!  Ridiculous! It was 65 degrees today so the windows were open and the screens in.  It was beautiful, but winter's only saving grace for me is the anticipation of snow...which so far has been out of the realm of possibility considering the temperatures.
 I cleaned and made dinner while the hubby tried to fix my car.  He went and got a new alternator and put it in successfully, but it was refurbished and didn't work.  Now he has to do it again today.  We did have a nice family evening watching football, though. 

This morning after coffee and checking email we were out the door to Dakota's first wrestling tournament.  It was in Woodlawn and we needed to be there by 10:30.  Now it's no secret that wrestling isn't my thing and this particular match did nothing to help my cause.  Nothing happened until noon and, while the kids were supposed to be warming up, most of them were shoving chips, candy and soda into their mouthes while there parents did the same.  I've met very few people there that I felt I had anything in common with save the two coaches and another couple there.  When Koda finally did wrestle, his first match was against Jesse from our team.  It was a good match, but Koda lost.  I don't think he had any idea what to expect in terms of intensity.  The second match was...well...not so good.  Brian was out at the car and by the time I texted him "Dakota's wrestling" I had to text, "It's over".  Dakota had a not so nice attitude after that, which I hope I nipped in the bud.  For his final match, though, he was angry and he wa better prepared.  His opponent was 8lbs heavier and had another year's experience on him, but Koda held his own.  He made it through all 3 periods and fought well.  He lost in points and finally was pinned, but I was proud of him.  He could see me at the side of the mat and his eyes would find me, wild with a hint of panic, but I would lock into his stare and yell for him to get up and he would zoom back in and refocus, doing what he needed to do.  He was very proud of himself when all was said and done. 

Now we are home for the day and relaxing.  Hubby is back at the auto parts store trying a new alternator and Koda and I are playing Words with Friends and watching football in the livingroom.  Time to plan for tomorrow and get my act together for the week.


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