Today was the first day of 2012.  It started out pretty peaceful until a lady came pounding on our door.  When I opened it she screamed "fire!" and when I looked outside our five trashcans and a stack of four older tires that had come off our car were on fire...really on fire!  My husband had cleaned out the back yard this morning, including the fire pit from last night and obviously it was still smoldering.  It was very scary, but luckily the worst damage was Dakota's lingering fear and the black soot that is all over the back yard and that our dogs are dragging across the kitchen floor.  Thank God no one was hurt, but that was sure not a nice way to start the new year. 

At two o'clock I took the two boys to my mothers for lunch.  We walked into the basement to my eighty year old mother and stepfather and four of their eighty year old friends (and one 60 year old "youngster").  Without my even having to ask, my boys were polite and friendly and my eighteen year old had them chatting about sports and school.  The old men were thoroughly enjoying themselves and by the end of lunch the ladies wanted Brian David to meet their granddaughters.  I am so proud of him!  He is such a great kid and always makes me proud.  Koda hung in there til the end, but had a little behavior issue just before we left.  Oh well.  What can you say?  He's Koda, and a little issue is much better than what it could have been!

Afterward we met Brian at my brother in law's house for a Ravens party.  As usual, it was packed to the gills with Ravens fans, loud and smoky.  I spent a good deal of time upstairs talking to my nephew's wife, who is such a smart, mature young woman.  We compared Kindle Fire notes and chatted about family. 

Here at home, Koda is in bed, Brian David is playing Angry Birds on Kindle and I am doing a few more minutes of work before calling it a day.  Come on 2012.  I am ready!.....well, I'm getting ready......maybe not.


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