They are still your babies

Today I had another one of those "mom to an adult" moments when things are going badly for your adult child and you just wish with all your heart that they were little again and you could kiss away the hurt and the whole world would be better.  My three adult children are 26, 24 and 18.  They are wonderful, caring, responsible people and I am very proud of them.  I miss their baby days and the days I spent with them under my wing, but I enjoy the friendship I have with them now and I know it's the best part of what is yet to be.  When something goes wrong in their lives, whether it is a sick child, a lost job, a bad move, a broken heart or anything that makes them sad, my heart hurts right along with them.  I offer advice and I know that I have "been there and done that", but I also know that my advice isn't worth very much until they have "been there and done that" themselves.  I can tell them that "there is always tomorrow" and that "things will get better" and there is and they do, but while the crappy stuff is going on, it's so hard to see past it.  What I really hope that they know is that I am here for them, through the good and the bad.  I am always their biggest supporter and most loyal fan.  I may not agree with every move and I may not be able to say what I really feel all the time because I know that you have to find out for yourself, but I am here, arms open for a hug, shoulder available for a cry, ear ready to listen and chocolate cake baking in the oven :-)

So for all my loves, just and dad are here.  We will put our arms out to catch you when you fall.  Now that you are an adult, however, sometimes we can't keep you from the blow you have to take, but we surely will be here to cushion the fall and give you a safe place to call home.  We love you more than you can possibly know and, even though you may be officially an adult, you will always be our children and we care about everything that matters to you.


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