She's got control!

My granddaughter may be little, but she has all the control!  Tuesday she had a meltdown day.  She seemed to have had some sort of nightmare or something that had her terrified of being anywhere but clinging frantically to the front of me.  She wouldn't sleep and she wouldn't let me put her down without screaming hysterically until I picked her up again.  If I put her on her blanket on the floor to play with her toys and sat with her she would claw her way to my lap and up the front of my shirt and press her cheek to mine, sobbing the entire time.  It was alternately pathetic and enraging.  I barely made it through those ten hours with all my sanity and she was the same way with her mom that night, but yesterday, Wednesday, she was her sweet, pleasant self for the most part.  She played, "read" her books and ate well.  She slept in her crib for two hours in the morning and in her swing for an hour in the afternoon and entertained us during dinner with her coos and games.  Her looks are changing and I see her mommy shining out from behind her eyes.  She is an engaging little girl most days with a sweet personality and a quick smile. 

As far as our schooling goes, we got in as much as we could on Tuesday, but it was difficult between the screaming and clinging coming from Natalie.  What we did accomplish was done on the blanket in the livingroom with her attached to me in some form or another.  Yesterday we had an excellent day, starting with a book about mammals and babies and a movie called Animal Mothers for Science.  Health was a SchoolExpress packet on character (we are working on the six pillars of character) and History was a book about the facts and legends of Davy Crockett.  We had finished our Magic Tree House book Winter of the Ice Wizard and started our new one, Blizzard of the Blue Moon.  This one has the cloze questions that go with it and Dakota's favorite, word wall words.  We began our new Meet the Masters program for Art that I purchased over the holidays.  We did the preview on Tuesday and then each lesson comes with three parts, a video/audio presentation, a learning packet and an art project.  Yesterday we did the presentation on Vincent Van Gogh and for music we listened to Don McLean's song about Van Gogh and discussed the artist's life.  Dakota had a wrestling match on Sunday, basketball practice Tuesday and wrestling practice Wednesday so we have PE all wrapped up.  We also started cursive handwriting and we continue to do our weekly spelling unit and work on for games and printed papers.  I am trying to get him to do either a journal entry or a story starter every day and we just completed Unit 15 of his math, another one on subtraction.  Today we begin geometry and I will be thankful for the change of pace.


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