Baby It's Cold Outside

We have been having unseasonably warm temperatures all winter, but today was cold, only around 30 degrees, and we had snow flurries tonight.  I had to take my son and granddaughter to the bank, the library and Walmart, but we were home by 11:15.  I wasn't cold then, running around out in it, but for the rest of the day, in my house, I have been freezing!!  My nose, toes and fingers all feel like I have been outside all day. 

Dakota and I picked out books at the library and when we got home I made lunch while he put in the video we got on Thomas Jefferson.  I was pleasantly surprised that it was exactly the right age level for him and it encompassed earlier history lessons and then told specifically what Thomas Jefferson's role was in history.  It was called Getting To Know the U.S. Presidents:  Thomas Jefferson.  I hope there are more of them so we can learn about some of the other presidents this way.  Afterward, we watched a Magic School Bus and then got into our paperwork.  Dakota started practicing writing in cursive today and this was a big thrill for him.  He started a new spelling unit and worked on his language arts pages.  Math is really dragging out the two digit subtraction, but it was easy to skip over some of it and we will finish up on Wednesday and begin geometry.  I let music, art and PE go today since we got a very late start.  Yesterday was the wrestling tournament,so PE was taken care of anyway.  Dakota read a few of his books from the library and he and I read three more chapters of our Magic Tree House Book Winter of the Ice Wizard.  It's okay, but there was no lessons to be found for it and I like the ones that teach a history lesson as well, but this is magic and fluff.  I am excited to start the next one, which is the author's newest book, #47 Abe Lincoln At Last.  We wrapped up the day with science and read a book about the life cycle of sharks.  We compared it to the life cycle of frogs we read yesterday and decided that tomorrow we will read about the life cycles of kangaroos.

Tonight was spent setting up Brian David's old desktop computer in Dakota's room.  He got to play a few games on it, but I really need to clean it up and get everything off of there and put his games and sites on so it's safe for him to find just what he needs and nothing more.  His room is really getting crowded, but it has everything he needs in there to enjoy himself.  Now if he would only just take advantage of that...


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