A Quiet Weekend

There was nothing special about this weekend, which was just fine with me.  It had been a busy week, so low key was welcome.  My granddaughter came to spend some time with Nana this morning and Dakota went with Dad to football workouts.  It was extremely hot, but they are tough, I suppose.  Definitely tougher than I am!!  When Dakota got back he took a quick bath because he smelled to high heaven and then I took him, his friend and Natalie to the Arbutus library for a Mine Craft club.  The older kids went into the meeting room and Natalie and I went to the kids section where she loudly named each food item in the little kitchen area, put the baby to sleep and called the cash register a piano repeatedly.  Love her!  It took 40 minutes of telling her to talk quietly every time she yelled, which was considerable, but she finally seemed to get the idea and we went out into the main area where she built with Duplos, played with the train table, colored, read books and then she and I played toddler computer games.  I enjoyed watching her play and listening to her endless chatter.  She is a beautiful child and very intelligent and I am so proud to be her Nana!  

We convinced the big kids to get going around 3:30 and got home for dinner and then I did nothing......absolutely nothing, but feel grumpy and grouchy and nasty.  Brian David had been on a date at the Nationals game all day and after he got home and Dakota got settled watching Star Wars, the hubby and I got into bed early and I read and kindled and fell asleep hoping for a better mood in the morning.

Sunday did see a brighter mom and I was able to sleep in and then wake up willing to do some chores and actually looked forward to some organizing.  Dad and Dakota had baseball workouts today at the park just up the street and while they were gone I got both homeschool book shelves organized and sadly put almost all the picture books into my granddaughters room and off of Dakota's shelves.  He's growing up so quickly! It's very rewarding to see the shelves so clean and orderly and I get a chance to see exactly what resources I have again so that I can make good use of them.  Tonight after dinner I may get a chance to go through the tops of one of my three desks, or maybe not.  Who knows.  But I can say that today was productive and I decreased two majorly cluttered areas.


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