Not Feeling It

Tuesday was a day I was not feeling the love for anyone or anything.  I was flat out grumpy and got worse as the day progressed.  I let the daycamp girls and Dakota play Mine Craft on Kindle way too long then took them out for a quick errand and bought them donuts for breakfast.  Not feeling cooking either.  They fought, whined, tattled and were snarky to one another and, come to think of it, maybe I didn't start out grumpy, but they made me that way!  My son especially was on his "A" game, being flip, rude and sarcastic.

I brought them out and had them do their packets, but they didn't like them, needed help doing things they were perfectly capable of and fought some more.  Okay.  Definitely had enough and it wasn't lunch time.  I wanted to send them outside, but it was 100 degrees and they had to wait to get into the pool until my granddaughter went down for a nap.  So in the room they went to pay Sorry and Guess Who until lunch, which they threw all over the room and got in trouble for.  Nobody wanted what I was offering for lunch adn then two of the three of them didn't like what they chose and picked at it.  AARRGGHH!  

It was finally time to swim so I sent them in to get their swimsuits on and they headed out to the pool where they screeched and jumped and wore themselves out for an hour and a half and I think they managed to lose half the water in my pool, but you know, at least they were outside and getting out their energy!  Once inside they watched The Pacifier and I made them popcorn, but my son wouldn't touch the popcorn because I didn't make him his own bowl and he wasn't feeling like sharing.  Tough. No popcorn for him!

The girls finally left at 5 and after getting the pool cleaned out, I took Dakota for dinner at VBS and then left him there to hopefully have fun.  I took my daughter to her house and then went to a board meeting in Pasadena, which lasted 30 minutes.  I knew if I went home I wouldn't want to go back out, so I visited my other daughter's house and chatted with her and played with my granddaughter, who gives the BEST hugs, for about an hour before heading back to pick up Dakota, stop at Dollar General for meds for his sore throat, which is only an early morning or right before bed thing this week and then got milk.  Finally home at 9:00 my older son and husband were watching the All Star Game and my son asked why I hadn't made the spice cake I had promised him.  I don't jump at this boy often, but he got a piece of my mind.  Bad timing on his part!  After a few innings watching ball I headed into bed to play the word games on my Kindle and get my sorry self some sleep.  Hoping for a much better Wednesday!


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