Book Club Tuesday

Yesterday was our second meeting of the Summer of '13 Roald Dahl Book Club.  For the first book, Danny, Champion of the World, we only had the day camp kids.  This time we had Dakota and the two girl campers, my friend Jackie and her three boys, Jennifer and her two kids, my friend Jeanette and her five kids and a friend from baseball and her two boys.  The book was Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and we had fun with it.   We set the tables with bright colored tablecloths and I sat out brightly colored bowls of all sorts of candy, including Wonka Gobstoppers and Nerds.  There were gumballs, M&Ms, Skittles, gummy bears, gumdrops, licorice, chocolate chips and lollipops.  The kids arrived and got started on a coloring picture of Willie Wonka and a Charlie and the Chocolate Factory word search.  Then we talked about each of the characters and as a group, answered some questions about the story.  The kids were excitable and seemed to love the story...but who doesn't love Willlie Wonka??!!  They then used markers and crayons and created, on tagboard, their own factories, making a favorite of theirs, whether it was candy, donuts, pizza or whatever.  After they created and colored, they then went over to the blankets and used boxes, construction paper, tp tubes and glue to create a 3D copy of their personal factories.  They worked hard and long, not once complaining about the heat and came up with some pretty cool creations.  After they were done we did an ABC order of candy bars together and then talked about character traits and each one of the main characters in the book and the kids came up with some great adjectives for them and also figured out on their own that there was a theme to the ones who were gotten rid of.  I then gave them each a golden ticket with a completion certificate on the other side.  It was a great day with a great group of moms and kids.  In two weeks we'll do The B.F.G.  I'm looking forward to it!


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