House Full

Today the kiddies started coming at 7:45 and we had three girls, 8, 8 and 10 and two boys, 8 and 4 for the morning hours.  We had breakfast at 9, did birthday packets with find a words, answered questions about each birthday, coloring, ABC order and more. Then we made kooshies to put over our water bottles using foam cylinders from A.C. Moore and foam stickers so that we would know who's water bottle belonged to who over the course of the day.  These were a big hit!

Bathings suits on by 10 and outside in the 95 degree heat under the tree for badmitton and water balloons.  Into the pool by 10:30 for swimming (and screeching and jumping and wave making!) and onto the trampoline at 11:30 to dry off so we could come in for some cupcake decorating.

Inside and dressed back in shorts and tshirts we decorated birthday cupcakes and then got ready for lunch, when we welcomed another girl, age 9 and her 4 year old brothers, new homeschoolers who, with their mom, were coming to meet us and have some fun.

Twelve hot dogs and three boxes of mac and cheese later, lunch was finished and I pushed back the livingroom furniture, put out some blankets and the big kids played Disney Apples to Apples for 45 minutes while the little guys played dinorsaurs and the new mom and I talked curriculum.  At 1:15 it was time for a movie and I closed the blinds, handed out blankets and pillows and 7 little people chilled out and watched Madagascar 3.  There was some goofiness, which was to be expected, but they did well.  The new kids left after the movie and I made the other kids popcorn and then they headed in to Dakota's room to play Guess Who while I cleaned up.  By 3:45 my great niece and nephew had been picked up and by 5:15 the last of the two daycampers went home.  Whew!  Now it's time to take my own little daycamper to VBS and let someone else entertain him for the evening!  Looking forward to a little mommy time and when I pick him up, the family will be rooting for Chris Davis to win the All Star Home Run Derby!


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