Being a Mother Doesn't Stop at 18

When you have a child, it really is a forever thing.  Anyone who tells you that you will worry until they grow up does not have a grown up child.  My first baby is carrying my first grandchild just now.  She will be 28 weeks pregnant tomorrow and that is very significant to me because I had toxemia and gave birth to her brother Brian when I was 28 weeks pregnant.  He weighed 2lbs and was 13" long.  He was in the NICU for 69 days and I remember every one of them.  His life was so fragile and he held mine in the palm of his teeny tiny little hand.  Now my daughter has reached that point in her pregnancy and is not feeling well today...weak and dizzy and confused.  I want to be with her...but did I mention that she lives in North Carolina, a six hour drive from my Maryland home?  Her husband has a few more months in the military before he is discharged and they are living near Fort Bragg.  Now my baby and my grandbaby are possibly in danger and I can not do anything about it but worry...and worry...and worry some more.  She says she will go to the doctor tomorrow, but if I had gone to bed that night eighteen years ago when I wasn't feeling well, her brother and I wouldn't be here.  Please God, watch over my baby and grandbaby tonight.  Keep them safe and well and let tomorrow shine brightly for them.  Watch over them and protect them when I cannot.  They mean everything to me.


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