The Rainforest and South America

Today's co-op Around the World class was an especially good one.  We began with an Eyewitness video about the rainforests and the kids loved it.  They all sat quietly, commenting occasionally on the spectacular sights and animals.  Afterward, we had a guest teacher, Mr. Tim, who is a sciene buff and homeschool dad talked to the kids about the rainforest and the liana vines and did a great job.  When I took over we reviewed the four layers and talked about their differences and then made a Rainforest Animals wheel, which proved to be much more difficult for the kids, who were ages 5 to 8, than I anticipated.  I really enjoy teaching this age group.  They are still sweet and young, but they are very curious and they enjoy learning about new things and they are so proud when they can give you the feedback you ask for.  I am going to be leaving this co-op in May and, while some of these kids will also be doing my co-op in the fall, several of them, some who I have had for three years, will not be following me and I will miss them alot.  I feel like I've invested alot of time and energy into them over the last few years and it has been well worth it.  They are a great group of kids!


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