Just Another Manic Monday

Today lacked the motivation and organization of last Monday.  We muddled through today while I tried to catch up on chores, emails, work and everything else that needed to be done.  I read some stories and Dakota read a few to me while we snuggled under a blanket on the couch.  We got in our math lesson on vertical, horizontal and oblique lines...a concept that wasn't half as difficult as remembering and pronouncing those words! A breakthrough today was Koda's journal entry.  It was excellent and he wrote for nine whole minutes!  A little grammar workbook, some handwriting, two Scholastic News magazines and we called it a school day.  All in all, I suppose it wasn't too bad, but it left me frustrated and feeling like I really should have done more.  We can get in what's needed, but where was the fun?  When I take the time to plan things out we do more art, cooking and games and the lack of tension is notable.  Unfortunately, life has been chaotic and I can't always do exactly what I would like, but at the end of the day we've learned something new and we've done it together.


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